Nurturing Body, Mind and Spirit
5,000 year old therapy
Tested over time and centuries of therapy, the goal of acupuncture is to restore a balance within a person's physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. Many patients come in for regular, quarterly, or annual "tune-ups" because it helps them maintain the sweet spot of health they've worked to obtain. Based on the patient concern, health history, tongue, pulse, and other diagnostic methods a series of personalized acupuncture points are selected. Using sterile hair thin needles the energy circulatory system of the body is adjusted and balanced. Patients very often feel a sense of relaxation and relief during and continuing after the treatment.
Diagnostic and therapeutic
An ancient therapy used for centuries and by many cultures. Cupping is both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. When toxins or cell waste stagnate in the muscles or joints, the body has a difficult time with waste disposal and we often experience this as discomfort or pain. Cupping marks can orient to the location, severtity and type of problem. Excellent to support detoxification and release stagnation, very helpful for chronic issues and feeling "stuck".
Microcosm of the whole body
Also called Auricular Medicine (or ear reflexology), this is a sophisticated assessment technique using the ear as a way to support healing. The ear has many zones that are highly innervated (having nerve connections). Each area connects to the brain and the body via the nervous system. Treatment is applied using ear seed patches on specific points and the client returns home to keep the patches for up to 5 days. A useful tool for stress, anxiety and pain.
Gentle and powerful tools to harmonize
Gentle movement therapy exercises personalized to the current situation of the patient. Qi Gong assists in realignment and correct energy flow regulating mind, breath, body movement and posture. Emotional states as well as physical states can be addressed. Excellent for insomnia, stress, rehabilitation after a surgery or "pre-habilitation" in preparation for surgery or a strenuous event.
Space Clearing and Evaluation, Health Counseling, Intuitive work
Services that integrate intuitive insights and health-focused guidance to create an environment that supports well-being and harmony.
To schedule an appointment online: or online link at top of the page Reserved parking for clients. Siret: 95149819500019 APE: 86.90F